Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Blog, New Semester

So I'm starting a blog... This is way complicated for me. I probably will suck at this for a while. In addition to starting a blog I am also starting my third semester at BYU-Idaho. I guess even though it's -29 degrees here I am blessed to have the opportunity to receive my education at this university. Every day I have the opportunity to walk on dedicated, holy ground and attend my classes in dedicated buildings. I get to start every class with a prayer and a hymn. I get to listen to servants of the Lord speak inspired words every Tuesday. I live and attend a place that has the Lord's university and his temple on the same hill. That is truly an amazing blessing and I plan to take full advantage of it. I miss my friends and especially my family while I am here but my family has sacrificed much to allow me to come here and I will not disappoint or take for granted their sacrifice. I love my family.

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