Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cardinal and Gold....With a Little Bit of Blue.

So every year the UCLA marching band has a "Band Day" where different high schools come and bring their bands and they get to play with the UCLA marching band and they also get in free at the game that day. The high school I teach at participates in this band day so I, being a lifelong USC fan, got to see what these UCLA games were like. I bought a UCLA t-shirt just for the occasion, which my family responded by calling me a traitor. But you know me... I always have to dress and match for the occasion. Well, the game itself wasn't that great. It was exciting in terms of football and it was exciting to be there with the people I love most besides my family. The band did great and Mallorie and I looked great haha. It was REALLY hot though so we peaced out early to get out of the heat. Overall fun day, but my heart still lay with USC. So on Friday night my dad comes home with four tickets to the USC v. Cal game! Yes! We just HAD to go. I rushed out that night and bought my mom and I USC shirts to wear for the game. We all have our share of USC gear, but after all these years, I still didn't have a short-sleeve USC shirt, so I simply had to get one because... I always have to dress and match for the occasion =] Raymond also went with us to the game yesterday. And it was an AMAZING game! Before half time the score was USC- 42, Cal- 0. It was fabulous. USC games are just more fun in general, even if it means drunk people. I loved seeing the band! My best friend's husband insists that they suck and that they have no musicality butttt they are still so entertaining, and even though they play the Spirit of Troy about 1000 times per game, I still love it and nothing can beat that song! I loved being out with my family, and getting away from the stresses that life has brought to us. I'm glad my dad was able to have a fun break away from the cloud that has been over his head, and he did it in his favorite way. So yes, I bought a UCLA shirt and went to a UCLA game, but nothing can replace the Cardinal and Gold. Fight On forever!

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